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Tower Programme
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The purpose of the Tower Programme is to deliver a programme that reduces the incidence of criminal behavior and accentuates the personal development of marginalized young people from the North Clondalkin Area who have come into contact with the law and who need to address their attitudes and behavior if they are to avail of opportunities for vocational training and employment.

In addition, the project views its role as part of the development of innovative community sanctions for young offenders' and endeavors to work with the Probation and Welfare Service and the local community in pursuit of establishing, maintaining and evaluating a community based programme to service the needs to the target group.

The Tower Project as a community based sanction for juvenile offenders was set up in North Clondalkin.  

The specific objectives of the programme are to:

  • develop and implement a programme that challenges offending  behavioral aspects of the lifestyle of participants
  • target the programme primarily at young people from the North Clondalkin area who are not engaged in education or training, or gainfully employed; and who may be alienated from mainstream youth services.    
  • develop links with other facilities, services and voluntary community groups, to encourage contributions from these groups and services. Activities offered by the project include a specific offending behavior module, art, literacy, woodwork, metalwork, photography, life skills, computer training, counseling, outdoor pursuits, sports, catering, visits, trips, and job-seeking skills.
  • offer advice and support, counseling, education (skills, abilities, etc.), information, referral point, reinsertion/social insertion, work training/labor training
    About us

    Our mission is to implement and develop a programme, in association with The Probation Service, local community groups and relevant statutory agencies.

    Contact us
    email usour facebook page
    Tower Programme
    St Marks Lane, Neilstown Road
    Clondalkin Dublin 22
    Tel: 01-6236230
    Fax: 016236237